English is one of the most common languages in the world. It’s likely you learned English at some point in your life. Many people learned some basic English is school or learned a little bit online and then stopped. Others continued learning, and many more have become fluent.

Did you know that there are more second-language speakers of English than first-language speakers? That’s amazing!

Here are five good reasons to continue learning English, or to motivate you to become a better speaker!

1. English gives you more job opportunities

English is the business language of the world, and many international meetings are done in English. If a German businessperson meets with a Japanese businessperson, they will use English to communicate. That means, if you speak English, your company will often choose you to go on business trips! You are also an important part of the company. If you don’t speak English, your job opportunities are limited to your home country – that’s fine too, because not everyone loves to travel! But if you do…

2. Travel becomes easier and more fun

When you travel, signs and customer service is usually in two languages: the language of the country you’re visiting, and English. This makes travel a lot easier if you know English! Often the locals working in restaurants, transport or tourist areas speak English too. This makes it very easy to get around!

3. You can meet new people

This is true when you’re travelling, or online! Same as a business setting, the common language between travellers is almost always English. Isn’t that cool? It’s very easy to make friends if you can speak English and understand each other. You can also speak with people online, and often you’ll use English.

4. The internet becomes easier to use

Apparently 72% of the internet is written in English – just like this article! If a website doesn’t have translations for you, then you can easily understand what you’re reading and trying to do. This is very convenient!

5. You open a new world of entertainment to enjoy

The United States and the UK make millions of songs and movies every year. Some of the most famous and most watched television series in history are in the English language. You can watch the “dubbed” version, or read subtitles, but it’s always better to watch in the original language! The same goes for music; the rhythm and sound is good, but it’s a lot better if you can understand the lyrics.

How many of these do you relate to? Can you think of any other benefits of learning or knowing English? Let us know in the comments!

[Thinking of learning English again or improving even more? Check out a service called EnglishScore Tutors, British Council’s online English tutoring service. We highly recommend them for quality and comfort. Sign up today using our link and get your first session for $1]